
Patented probiotics and enzymes

“Patented Probiotics and Enzymes” is a Taiwanese product marketed by Amber Marketing Co., Ltd. It is designed for gastrointestinal health and works, among other things, through its impact on the intestinal flora/microbiota, while also supporting digestion and transit.

Protecting Gastrointestinal Health

The packaging provides clear, comprehensive, and transparent information necessary for the consumer. Thus, all key ingredient contents are precisely indicated in the nutritional table.

It can be said that the product’s composition is consistent with the intended objectives, considering the interesting and studied synergy of probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes in this context.

The strains present are generally well-researched for gastrointestinal health and appear to have beneficial effects on digestive health (particularly by improving the microbiota). Some of these strains may have an effect on constipation, but the effect of probiotics on constipation is still under study.

Furthermore, prebiotics (Fibersol-2, GOS, isomalto-oligosaccharides) also have effects on the microbiota and are being studied for constipation.

The variety of digestive enzymes present supports digestion in a comprehensive manner (aiding in the breakdown of macronutrients). Supplementation with enzymes is recognized as beneficial in certain pathologies and digestive disorders, such as pancreatic insufficiency, lactose intolerance, and in a broader context of postprandial gastrointestinal symptoms, such as in irritable bowel syndrome.

Moreover, magnesium has the ability to retain water in the intestinal lumen, which has a beneficial effect on constipation. Different magnesium salts and magnesium-rich waters have shown positive effects, particularly magnesium oxide as found in this product.

Finally, the probiotic content is significant compared to data found in scientific literature. The intake of prebiotics, enzymes, and magnesium is also noteworthy. Therefore, the product appears to be generally effective for the desired effects.

These qualities have allowed “Patented Probiotics and Enzymes” to be ranked as the nominee for this year’s Jury Prize at Monde Selection in their category.

“Each year, one product per category is awarded the Prize of the Jury as a token of excellence in know-how and quality. In order to qualify, the product must be unanimously selected as a “coup de cœur” by the jury members. The winner of the Prize of the Jury is then selected from a group of just 5 nominees, which makes this award an even greater honour for the recipient.”



