Beers, Waters & Soft Drinks

A very good non-alcoholic IPA

The Samuel Adams Brewery – which is named after one of the founding fathers of the United States – has become an iconic part of New England’s heritage and has built a very enviable reputation over the decades.

Its products are unanimously appreciated by its consumers and are an essential component of the American brewing heritage that should not be overlooked.

Until now, the brewery has always been reluctant to market a non-alcoholic product because, in the words of its founder, Jim Koch, “we still hadn’t found a way to extract the alcohol from the beer without altering its taste.
However, after two years of research and more than 200 trial brews, Samuel Adams’ team succeeded in developing an IPA (Indian Pale Ale) with an alcohol content of only 0.5°, and this without altering the rich, fruity taste of the product.

As its name rightly suggests, “Just the Haze” resembles many other contemporary IPAs, the only difference being that this one does not contain any alcohol which would limit its consumption.

The members of the Monde Selection Jury particularly appreciated this IPA beer, and had nothing but words of praise for its flavour: “Just the haze” is a very appropriately chosen name in view of the beautiful haze that characterises this beer. Its colour is also good, as is the head. As far as its aromatic palette is concerned, the presence of hop aromas fills the nose with the scent of citrus and fresh herbs, all manifesting in a pleasantly harmonious balance. In terms of its taste profile, the beer has a fruity taste reminiscent of some citrus fruits, while the bitterness is well-balanced without becoming overly bitter over time. Finally, there is also much to be appreciated about the body despite its 0.5% alcohol content. A well-balanced low-alcohol beer that deserves to be tasted.

In light of its remarkable organoleptic characteristics and its exceptional character, the Monde Selection tasters unanimously agreed on awarding “Just the Haze” the Grand Gold award as well as this nomination for the Jury Prize.

“Each year, one product per category is awarded the Prize of the Jury as a token of excellence in know-how and quality. In order to qualify, the product must be unanimously selected as a “coup de cœur” by the jury members. The winner of the Prize of the Jury is then selected from a group of just 5 nominees, which makes this award an even greater honour for the recipient.”



