Category Archives: Beers, Waters & Soft Drinks

A very good non-alcoholic IPA

As its name rightly suggests, “Just the Haze” resembles many other contemporary IPAs, the only difference being that this one does not contain any alcohol which would limit its consumption.

All the aromatic complexity of Shiranui

Once cut in half so as not to extract the bitter taste of the skin, which is very astringent, the citrus fruits are gently squeezed to produce a 100% natural juice without any additives— the very same juice that is marketed by the company.

A majestically natural mineral water

The water is directly bottled in its natural state without undergoing any kind of physical or chemical treatment, a practice that allows it to reach the final consumer in all of its natural purity.

All the flavour of malt concentrated inside a can

The visual appearance is typical of a malta with a dark brown colour. The smell is caramel-based with a good intensity of fresh malt. These aromas were found to be very harmonious and well-balanced.

A delicious beer enhanced by ageing using single malt whisky casks

The ageing period in single malt whisky casks infuses the beer with honeyed and sweet notes as well as hints of vanilla, toffee and oak.

The unbeatably refreshing taste of a supreme wheat beer

Like all beers produced by this brewery, the Waldhaus Schwarzwald Weisse is brewed using 100% renewable energy sources (a hydroelectric dam* and photovoltaic panels).

When the pure taste of fruit prevails

Founded in 1952, the Nankaikako Co.,Ltd. company specialises in canning fruit, vegetable, and juice. The company produces, among other things, an exquisitely refreshing Ume-based drink.

100% freshly squeezed orange juice right off the tree

Don Simon 100% squeezed orange juice undergoes a meticulous preparation process which guarantees the preservation of its refreshing organoleptic properties.

Exceptional stout beer with a velvety smoothness

Highly renowned in its country of origin, the South African Castle Milk Stout is brewed by the South African Breweries, a subsidiary of the AB Inbev Group.


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