As its name rightly suggests, “Just the Haze” resembles many other contemporary IPAs, the only difference being that this one does not contain any alcohol which would limit its consumption.

As its name rightly suggests, “Just the Haze” resembles many other contemporary IPAs, the only difference being that this one does not contain any alcohol which would limit its consumption.
The potato slices are cooked exclusively in cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil from a local cooperative (Almazaras de la Subbética) that has won several awards for the quality of its products.
Covered in a curious-looking whitish veil that is in fact a completely natural result of the drying process, the Ichidakaki fully manifests all its flavour and texture qualities when tasted.
The Sanvinga Black Gold 10 Years is made in keeping with the “9873” technology, which includes nine must boiling operations, eight fermentations, seven extractions and three high temperature operations.
Once cut in half so as not to extract the bitter taste of the skin, which is very astringent, the citrus fruits are gently squeezed to produce a 100% natural juice without any additives— the very same juice that is marketed by the company.
Lightweight and easy to carry, “Propolis 3D perfect defense mist” can help replenish the skin’s moisture content and tonality anytime, anywhere.
In order to meet this objective, the product is solely made up of bio-fermented yellow pea protein isolate, which serves as an alternative to animal-based protein powders.
Beyond its exquisite presentation, which makes the liquor a luxurious gift, this bottle offers an unparalleled tasting pleasure that also made it highly popular with the Monde Selection jury.
Upon application, “Miracle 8” provides a pleasantly fresh sensation, quickly penetrates the skin, and leaves its skin feeling soft.