Archivos de Categoría de archivos : Dietética y Salud

Improving venous return

The product contains vine leaf extract (Vitis vinifera), which has been studied mainly in individuals suffering from chronic venous insufficiency and has yielding many conclusive results.

Omega 3-6-9 for an optimal lipid profile

The Omega 3-6-9 is recognised as a natural source of unsaturated fatty acids with a remarkable lipid profile that can be easily integrated into a balanced diet.

Protege la densidad ósea femenina

Female bone density increases by increments until around age 30, when bones reach their maximum mineral density. Past that age, bone mass begins to gradually decline.

A food supplement designed ‘‘especially for your eyes’’

In a world rife with the modern trappings of technology at every turn, our eyes struggle to withstand the visual stress we inflict upon them every day.

A celebration of goat milk with all its virtues

This nutrient-dense milk is a valuable addition to any balanced diet and deserves to occupy a more central role in consumers’ lives.

Favorece el tránsito intestinal y regula el sistema inmunitario

The Dr. Advice Probiotic Sachet is aimed at supporting intestinal transit and functions while also acting as an immune system regulator.