Register a product

  • Product Entry

    Registrations are opening in September 2024.

  • Sending samples

    Samples can be sent after the product registration.


Evaluation process

Monde Selection aims to deliver the most impartial and independent evaluation. The quality of each beer is evaluated by a panel independent and renowned experts according to a very precise methodology and criteria.

Beer products eligible for a Monde Selection Quality Award include all styles of beers: pilsen, stout and wheat beer, IPA, negra, preta,…

Before the evaluation, each product is presented to the jury to give them a general and contextualized understanding of what they are judging: origin, ingredients, composition and any particularities or methods of preparation.

The evaluation itself is done individually by each member of the jury and is based on up to 25 quality criteria.

After validating their individual results, the members of the jury share their impressions and opinions to unanimously decide upon the final result.

Up to 25 evaluation criteria
  • Visual Aspect

    The colour, saturation, clarity, foam, brilliance, carbonation, etc.

  • Odour

    The bouquet (set of olfactory notes), complexity, harmony, intensity, odours, off-notes, finesse, etc.

  • Taste – Aftertaste

    The harmony, complexity, aromas, bitterness, sweetness, acidity, the taste persistence, intensity, residual taste, the level of carbonation body, etc.

  • Packaging

    The design of the packaging and label information, the protection of the product, the materials used, the ease of use, etc.

  • Global Judgement

    The jury’s overall impression and any comments or observations they found necessary to communicate to the producer.

Quality Criteria

The evaluation process starts with the organoleptic evaluation that will assess the beverage’s aspect, odour, taste, aftertaste, mouthfeel, conformity to style and many other criteria.

The jury may also request to conduct advanced chemical analysis in laboratory to complete the evaluation of products.

For beers, the verification of the foam, bitterness, pH, clearness, etc. is essential.

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The Beer experts

The Jury appointed by Monde Selection for beers is exclusively composed of zythologists and flavour technologists.

All are qualified professionals carefully chosen for their skills and integrity.

The evaluation sessions are taking place over a period of four months with a maximum of 10 products tasted per session to preserve the experts’ palate and taste perception.

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Quality Labels

The Awards that will show your consumers you care about quality

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Looking for more information?


A Monde Selection Award displayed on your packaging is a strong and powerful message towards consumers: it guarantees that your product has been tasted, tested and approved by an independent jury panel of experts.

Each awarded product benefits from guaranteed visibility thanks to a Monde Selection label that can be used on packaging and in advertising campaigns for a period of 3 years without any additional licence cost.

Professional independent quality evaluation
Diploma, award and invitation to the ceremony
3 years license to use Quality Award label
Press Release
A professional report on your quality
Results kit
Product quality profile
Online presentation

Awarded Beers in 2024


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