Diet & Health Products
Evaluation Approach
Monde Selection aims to deliver the most impartial and independent evaluation. The quality of each diet and health product is evaluated by a panel of independent and renowned experts according to a very precise methodology and criteria. The scientific experts appointed by Monde Selection take the utmost care to fairly evaluate the quality of each product as a whole and not compare it to another.
Monde Selection’s scientific committee attentively examines the list of ingredients, nutritional information, assertions concerning nutrition and health, description of the properties of active substances which are highlighted and the set of instructions. Laboratory analyses may be carried out to complete the evaluation.
The mission of our scientific committee is also to verify the correspondence between the claims and product’s purpose(s) put forward in the communication, and its real effectiveness based on the available scientific data. The intrinsic qualities (nutritional, biochemical, bacteriological, etc.) of the product are therefore not the only ones to be evaluated. The manner in which the producer communicates with the consumer is equally highly important.
For every type of product, the analysis is therefore based on two main axes :